
Sedbergh Golf Club is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all individuals involved in golf.

We are currently pursuing our SafeGolf Accreditation as part of our commitment to provide a safe place for all to play golf. Our Safeguarding policies are available in PDF format (see the links below) and are also displayed in the clubhouse.

Children / Young Person PolicySafeguarding Adults Policy

Club Welfare Officer

Whilst everyone is responsible for safeguarding, the Club Welfare Officer is the person within a Golf Club with primary responsibility for reporting concerns about children or adults at risk.

We're delighted to appoint Martin Cope as our Club Welfare Officer. Martin is the first point of contact for club staff, volunteers, young people and parents, adults at risk and carers for any issues concerning child welfare / adults at risk, poor practice and potential alleged abuse. His contact details are listed below;

Vicki Metcalfe
Club Welfare Officer

CWO Role Description